Monthly Archives: March 2012

Cool Things About Being a Girl, pt. 1

I’m a little ashamed to admit it, but I am one of those girls that complains (particularly during my time of the month) about how being a girl is so goddamn difficult. I’m jealous that dudes can pee standing up and that they don’t have to wear make-up everyday. But it’s not like girls don’t get a few perks too.

Red lipsExample: red lipstick.

I don’t know if there’s a more recognized icon of contemporary femininity than bright red lips. They’re saucy and fun, and something boys don’t have.

Guys see red lipstick as sexy. I see red lipstick as confident.

I honestly don’t know very many women that wear red on their lips. They usually stick with the safer and more subtle shades of pink. Red stands out. It attracts attention. And that’s why it requires a certain confidence to wear it. Red lipstick comes with an attitude – something like “I am woman; hear me roar” in a very good way.

I couldn’t live without my two go-to reds: Sephora Collection Cream Lip Stain in Always Red, and Covergirl Lipperfection in Hot. So, unleash your inner lady and don’t forget the lip liner.

The end (of college) is near.

A couple days ago, I posted about some of the things that scared me as a child. Now I’m going to post about something that scares me now: finding a job, post-grad. I know this is a pretty common problem among my fellow twentysomethings, but I’m still quite terrified. It certainly doesn’t help that every legit adult I’ve met in the past few weeks has given me the “I’m-so-glad-I’m-not-you” face when I mention that I’ll be walking across the stage in May.

On Saturday, I spent the afternoon volunteering at Kidsfest (a children’s activities festival that raises money for a family-oriented nonprofit in Iowa). The older woman manning the sand art station was very nice. She wanted to hear about where I was from and why I was Des Moines. When I told her I was graduating with degrees in English and magazine journalism, she blanked for a moment. “And you’re graduating this year?” There was that face. “Oh, sweetie, I really hope you can find a job.”

This reaction is getting old. Yes, I want to edit books. Yes, the publishing industry is changing. But no, it’s not dying.

I just spent an entire morning combing through lists and links of available writing/editing jobs. I don’t think the problem is that there aren’t jobs (they definitely exist). It’s also not that we aren’t qualified (I, at least, feel like I could kick butt at most of these jobs). The problem is that most of these positions require multiple years of professional experience, which as recent grads, we just don’t have. It makes sense that companies want to hire someone with proven experience in the field, but this is where the cliche begins. To get experience, you need experience.

So yes, I’m scared that I won’t have a job in June, because student loans will not be far off – but I’m more frustrated that small technicalities can take me out of the running for a job I’d be wonderful at.

5 Terrifying Things From My Childhood

I like to think I was a pretty normal kid. But I had some pretty irrational fears (blame it on Are You Afraid of the Dark if you want), and some of them have stuck around. And I really hope I’m not alone on some of these.


Read the rest of this entry

I’ll be better, I promise!

All right. I’m going to give blogging another go. In theory, it will stick (and be that much more awesome) because I’ll be doing it for me, not for class. Which means there’s no limit to what I could post. Exciting, right?

Anyway, I’ll think of some awesome content and be back soon!